Together with his team of 12 employees, he has implemented successful projects in Styria, Austria and farer away, such as the functional units and the radiotherapy department of LKH (state hospital) Leoben, the headquarters of Roche Diagnostics and Russmedia, the ENT and dental clinic of LKH Graz, all of which received numerous international and national awards such as the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage, Staatspreis für Industriebau (State Prize for Industrial Construction), Österreichischer Aluminium-Architekturpreis (Austrian Architecture Award for Aluminum Buildings), Award best architects 07, International Architecture Award of Chicago Athenaeum, ZT(civil engineer) Award for ‘Best innovative planning’, Green Good Design Award of Chicago Athenaeum and many more.Įrnst Giselbrecht strongly believes, ‘as architects we know that architecture is not just building culture but an elemental base of our everyday culture.’ Hereby he puts a high emphasis on a light and transparent architecture and focuses on components that seem weightless as well as detailed investigation of all materials. Due to contracts in terms of new buildings in combination with historic buildings, he has been able to further develop his concept of his ‘architecture of lightness’.